Wednesday 5 April 2017


MAINSTREAM FILM - High budget, well known film (Beauty and the Beast)
MAINSTREAM CINEMA - Shows blockbuster movies (Odeon, Cineworld)
INDEPENDENT FILM - Low budget, less known film (American Honey)
INDEPENDENT CINEMA- Shows lower budget movies (Curzon, Picture house)
PRODUCTION - The making of the film (Filming, editing,etc)
DISTRIBUTION- The selling of films to cinemas
MARKETING - The advertising/promoting of the film
EXCHANGE - How the audience recieve the film (cinema, Netflix)
MULTINATIONAL CONGLOMERATE -Combination of different companies from different countries working together (Walt Disney)
MONOPOLY -A single company owning the business of a film
OLIGOPOLY -A small number of companies owning/sharing a product's business
BIG SIX- 20th Century Fox , Paramount, Universal, Warner bros, Sony, Disney
HORIZONTAL INTEGRATION - Competing companies working together (Sony and Universal)
VERTICAL INTEGRATION - Different stages of production working together (Disney)
SYNERGY- Combined companies working together to create a better finish
MERCHANDISING- Distributing products that relate to the media product that promotes it (Clothes, toys, games)
ABOVE THE LINE - Mass advertising (Billboards, TV trailers)
BELOW THE LINE - One to One advertising (leaflets)
TECHNOLOGICAL CONVERGENCE - 2 Companies working together (Film and music)
CONSUMPTION - Information taken in by an individual or group
EXHIBITION -The presentation of the product
PIRACY - Illegal downloading, copying or distribution of a product
TIE-IN - A product created relating to a movie (Video game turned into a movie)
HOLLYWOOD FOUR SQUARE MARKETING - Synergy, Spectacle, Sequelisation, Story

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